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2020’s Adopt-A-Family breaks records for families served

This year’s Adopt-A-Family set a new all-time record, with 220 donors providing holiday gifts to 440 families (including 1072 children) in Avivo’s programs!

More than 1,000 gifts filled Avivo locations this year, including conference rooms and offices at Avivo. These towers of gifts showcase the incredible generosity of this year’s donors.

Here’s one example, seen in this video from our Roseville location:

“The generosity of our donors continues to amaze me,” says Rebecca Bedner-Faris, Avivo’s director of volunteer services. “This year we were able to extend our reach to an additional 50 families from last year. I want to thank everyone who donated items to make this holiday season a little brighter for families we serve during this difficult year.”

A large donation is made to Avivo’s Adopt-A-Family program by a Deloitte employee and their family.

Many families in Avivo’s programs are unable to afford even the basic necessities. This makes purchasing gifts for their children difficult or even impossible.

If you missed this year’s Adopt-A-Family donation drive and would like to support families in our programs, you may still make a gift here.
