Avivo’s Adopt-A-Family Program soars to new records
Avivo’s Adopt-A-Family program continues to soar to new records! In our recently concluded 2024 program, generous donors provided nearly 700 families and more than 2,500 individuals in Avivo’s programs with holiday gifts!
Brittany Biggers, Avivo’s Director of Volunteer Services, has nothing but kind words to share to this year’s donors. “It’s unbelievable. Thanks to the nearly 400 generous donors who helped change the course of many people’s holiday seasons, giving them gifts they might not otherwise be able to afford. So many happy families and residents of Avivo Village this year.”

Brittany especially wanted to thank Target, which adopted 50 families, plus all 100 residents of Avivo Village.
Adopt-A-Family 2024, by the numbers:
- 675 families served – increase of 33%
- 2,526 individuals served – increase of 56%
- 390 donors – increase of 26%

Image compilation of thank you cards sent by families who received Adopt-A-Family gifts from donors as part of Avivo’s Adopt-A-Family program.
Brittany shares that this year was especially emotionally powerful, with some donors brought to tears when they saw the quantity of gifts donated. Brittany shares that there were so many gifts, that in some Avivo locations gifts towered close to the ceiling as they awaited pickup.
“It’s become an annual tradition, breaking Adopt-A-Family records at Avivo!” laughs Brittany. “But on a serious note, each year when we share that we broke a new record, it means we helped even more people and families… so it really does mean something.”
If you missed this year’s Adopt-A-Family donation drive and would like to support families in our programs, you may still make a gift here.