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We’re number 7 in reducing homelessness

Avivo provided housing for 452 individuals experiencing homelessness in Minnesota last year, and is now ranked #7 in Hennepin County as a major partner in ending homelessness.

“Stable housing is incredibly important for individuals in recovery, as well as those looking to find steady jobs,” says Carrie Johnson, Avivo program director. “Having stable housing can be the difference between success and failure when it comes to recovery.”

Every year the county ranks state-funded Continuum of Care housing programs, such as Avivo’s, and uses those rankings to determine funding. In 2017, Avivo’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funded housing programs increased their ranking to #7.

“This higher ranking is important to Avivo’s ability to provide more housing for people in need,” Carrie says. “It shows that we’ve managed our programs in a way that keeps costs down while also helping more people succeed and achieve wellness in work and life.”

Carrie explains that an increased ranking is important because it means Avivo’s programs are working, and that Avivo’s services are helping decrease homelessness in Minnesota. It increases our ability to help people find stable, permanent housing.

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