Dangerous cold will be in Minnesota from Saturday, 1/18 – Wednesday, 1/22, with wind chills reaching as cold as -31 degrees at points. Find warming shelter in Hennepin County and Ramsey County.

Caty’s Story: Growing a business and supporting her family

Caty’s life has changed dramatically over the past year. She had been a stay-at-home mom, taking care of her two young children. She lived with her then-husband in what she describes as an abusive relationship.

“I wasn’t allowed to be my true self,” Caty shares. “Every time I showed up as my true self I was reprimanded or abandoned or punished for speaking my truth.”

She tried to keep the relationship afloat, but soon realized it was not only time for an immediate new start, but an escape. She packed up her kids and moved out, ready to start a new life.

Caty’s ex-husband stopped paying child support, forcing her to provide for herself and for her family. When she found Avivo, she hadn’t worked in years and was at a crossroads.

She had heard about Avivo’s Minnesota Family Resilience Partnership (formerly Displaced Homemaker Program). The program helps adults who previously haven’t been in a position to support themselves, and have experienced a loss of income due to divorce, or losing a spouse or other providing partner.

“I really didn’t know what to expect… I was so surprised and grateful that this program exists,” says Caty. “Education, support groups… It’s such a great resource. I don’t know what I’d be doing without it.”

“I really didn’t know what to expect… I was so surprised and grateful that this program exists,” says Caty. “Education, support groups… It’s such a great resource. I don’t know what I’d be doing without it.”

Caty appreciated that Avivo staff took time to learn about her and her interests. They supported her desire to become a doula and to grow her own therapy business of sound healing and Reiki energy healing.

“I was surprised to see a program taking this approach, to empower women and give us these tools to connect with one another, and really make you feel like you aren’t alone in this.”

Avivo staff helped her find resources to grow her business and link her to networking opportunities in those fields.

“I feel like I have a purpose now and each day I work toward my goals…”

“I feel like I have a purpose now and each day I work toward my goals, whereas a year ago I was homeless with two kids and a drained bank account.”

Caty is working on her goals now. She intends to strengthen and build her business, and she hopes to also create a support group that helps people who are coming out of abusive relationships.




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