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Love-Eden’s Story: The very thing that you are afraid of could change your life.

“I knew I had some mental health issues,” says Love-Eden. “My anxiety got so bad and I was so depressed. That’s when I got connected to Avivo for help.

“My family is from Liberia, and I was born in New York. We moved to Minnesota when I was a teen because [my parents] didn’t want me running the streets. At 14, my mind just wasn’t taking on information. It felt like a snow globe. My emotions and attachment issues turned to anger. I ran the streets and partied. I started stealing things. Everything was all bottled up inside.

“My anxiety got so bad and I was so depressed. That’s when I got connected to Avivo for help.”

“My parents put me in a group home because I was out of control. I got pregnant at 16 and moved home with my daughter. I thought I knew everything. When my parents’ house went into foreclosure, my rock was broken. I had to begin worrying about my daughter.

“I love Avivo, because when I came they didn’t make me feel embarrassed. My Avivo counselor stood by me, saying that I can do this. People here really take [you] seriously. Avivo helped me find an apartment. It was the first time I took responsibility. They got me connected to a clinic for a [mental health] assessment and medication. Staff members at Avivo are teaching me that when I cooperate with my mental health it makes a difference.

“I love Avivo, because when I came they didn’t make me feel embarrassed. My Avivo counselor stood by me, saying that I can do this.”

“I’ve learned coping skills. I know that if I’m okay, my daughter will be okay. I’m learning to grow in independence. I’ve connected to Avivo’s employment services. I discovered skills I didn’t know I had!”

“We’re just getting started,” shares her Employment Counselor Joelle De LaVega. “Love-Eden is considering her career interests; then we can match her with training to reach her goals.”

“Avivo has always believed in me… even when I didn’t show or messed-up again. You have to want the help. And believe and give it a chance. I thank God I’m part of Avivo.”

“Mental illness is a disease,” adds Love-Eden. “There’s help. I want to help people like me succeed. Avivo has always believed in me… even when I didn’t show or messed-up again. You have to want the help. And believe and give it a chance. I thank God I’m part of Avivo.”

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