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Theresa’s Story

Theresa started making major life changes after an Avivo staff member reached out to her about our family residential treatment program.

“This time I was so ready to stop drinking,” shares Theresa. “You get sick and tired of losing everything, again, and taking your children through that.”

Now, Theresa, who is living with her elementary-age daughter, is on a path to recovery.

“This time I was so ready to stop drinking … You get sick and tired of losing everything, again, and taking your children through that.”

Theresa recalls that peer pressure was a huge factor in starting to drink and use drugs. “When I was younger, my using was more fun-and-games to get high,” she says. “But then I started to abuse it… I started using to self-medicate [to deal with] my pain of being sexually abused.”

She shared that she would stay with different family members, and then, for a short period she spent some time at a local correctional facility and was separated from her daughter. The day before she was released, a spot in Avivo’s family treatment program opened up for her.

Theresa loves the personal approach of Avivo’s program and says it’s different than other treatment programs. “In other treatment centers, I never talked about [my sexual abuse] because it was embarrassing. Here… I hear other people’s stories. I started opening up.”

According to Theresa, having her daughter with her while she goes through treatment makes her stronger. “Avivo is helping me grow, and we are growing together,” says Theresa. “I love the fact I can be with my daughter.”

“Avivo is helping me grow, and we are growing together … I love the fact I can be with my daughter.”

While Theresa attends groups, her daughter goes to child development activities. Her daughter also plans to attend summer camp at her local church.

In addition to being in treatment, Theresa entered Avivo’s short-term career training programs and plans to take Avivo’s Workplace Essentials course.

“You have to have a fight in you to stay sober,” shares Theresa. “I’m really enjoying life being sober… and how much fun you can have with your kids.”

With Avivo’s help, Theresa plans to take her next steps toward career education, employment, and finding permanent housing.
