Adopt-A-Family FAQ

Adopt-A-Family at Avivo – help a family receive holiday gifts this year.

For printable version of this FAQ, click here. To learn more about important program dates and registration click here.

Q: What is Adopt-A-Family?

A: Avivo’s Adopt-A-Family Holiday Gift Giving Program matches families who are currently participating in an Avivo program with community sponsors who anonymously provide gift for the holidays.


Q: Who can participate as a donor?

A: Adopting, or Sponsoring, a family or a single Avivo participant for the holidays, is a great opportunity for individuals, families, faith groups, groups of friends, and businesses.


Q: Who receives the gifts I’m giving?

A: The recipients who benefit from the Adopt-A-Family Program are low-income individuals and families currently participating in Avivo programs including employment, training, chemical health, mental health or housing services. Avivo counselors approve their registration and assist with completion of the gift wish list. Families range in size and age.


Q: How do I get involved?

A: Registration is open October 1, 2024. To register to sponsor a family of 2 or more, click here.


Q: Can an Avivo representative join a meeting or group gathering to talk about Adopt-A-Family and Avivo?

A: YES! We would love to share information in-person with you and your group. Please contact Brittany Biggers to arrange a time for an Avivo representative to join your group and present information about this opportunity.


Q: When will I know who I’m sponsoring?

A: Sponsors will be matched with families starting in early November. You will receive your family’s wish list(s) by November 13. We will do our best to match sponsors with families that are served in their general location.


Q: Is this tax-deductible? Can we get a receipt?

A: Yes, you will receive an acknowledgement letter including a tax receipt. Avivo is a 501c3 nonprofit which makes your donation tax-deductible. Avivo is not authorized to place a value on your contributed goods, therefore we encourage you to keep receipts for tax purposes. Note: If you are part of a group sponsoring a family and additional members of your group would like a tax receipt, we will collect their names and addresses at a later date.


Q: How do I know what to buy and how much to spend?

A: Sponsors receive specific gift ideas, based on a minimum $150-per-person guideline. Sponsors are not expected to purchase all suggestions, but can choose the ones that they prefer within the suggested $150/person guideline.

In the spirit of equity for all of our client families, if you want to spend more than $150 per-person, please consider sponsoring more people. We do request that all gifts be new items. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept used gifts at this time.


Q: Should I include a gift receipt?

A: Sponsors are encouraged to include gift receipts in case an exchange is necessary.


Q: Do I wrap the presents?

A: Yes, please wrap and label each gift with recipient first name and family number.


Q: Once I’ve wrapped the presents, how do I label them and keep them together?

A: Place wrapped and labeled gifts in sturdy plastic garbage bags, along with the family number. Clearly label the garbage bags and tape the family number to the outside of the bag. Please do not overfill the bags.


Q: What if I have multiple bags?

A: Label multiple bags for one family with family number & “1 of 2,” “2 of 2,” and so on. **Important: More than 1,000 bags will be dropped off in a very short period of time, so your help in labeling bags correctly is greatly appreciated.**


Q: When and where do I drop off my gifts?

A: Sponsors deliver bags of gifts to an Avivo location in early December. Volunteers will be available to accept gifts during these times only, unless alternate arrangements have been made with Avivo staff. Information about signing up for a delivery time will be sent out in mid-November.

Donation drop off locations will generally be based on where you live or which Avivo location the family you sponsored is served.


Q: What if I sign up to sponsor but something comes up and I can’t anymore?

A: Please contact Brittany Biggers ASAP if unable to fulfill the sponsorship commitment.


Q: If my group is sponsoring multiple families, can we drop off presents for each family separately?

A: Yes, if you or your group is sponsoring more than one family it is okay to drop them off at different times. Please remember to label each gift and bag clearly with the family number.


Q: Can I meet the family I sponsor?

A: We are not able to schedule meetings between families and donors due to confidentiality protections.


Q: How do the gifts get to the families?

A: Once we have received the gifts from you, they are distributed to program staff who then distribute the gifts to families.


Please contact Brittany Biggers if you have any additional questions. Thank you for your support!
